HLTH & McKinsey

Brought to you by McKinsey & Company

The healthcare ecosystem at an inflection

This year at HLTH, McKinsey & Company, the trusted advisor to the world’s leading healthcare institutions, is bringing together leaders and inspired thinkers from across healthcare to engage in creative problem solving around some of the industry’s most salient challenges. Our theme this year is focused on unleashing the power of collaboration by further industrializing our healthcare ecosystems through leveraging the advances and trends in technology and digital.

Executive Summit

An intimate group of leading and innovative CEOs, and chief digital and chief information officers from across payers, providers, and pharma; top executives of established and select high-tech health startups; and senior government officials will join a unique invite-only Executive Summit to be held on Sunday, October 27, and Monday, October 28.

What’s at the Executive Summit? These leaders will take part in a series of plenary roundtables and innovative design thinking breakouts to explore the fast-evolving health ecosystems. They’ll engage in problem solving to address the challenges representing the views of the different stakeholders and explore ways to leverage technical innovations to disrupt the industry. We’ll also feature leading experts on analytics and digital, and other key technologies in healthcare.

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Startup Competition

As part of the HLTH Startup Pitch, Judy Wade, Global Lead of Fuel, a McKinsey company, will delve into the human issues that define the entrepreneurial ecosystem and explore how these human issues result in decision-making bias for startups and their investors.

The winners will have the opportunity to make one-on-one connections and brainstorm in a hands-on workshop designed specifically for each winning startup with McKinsey and Fuel experts, as well as get access to a community of founders and investors through membership in the Fuel Ignition Club.

Government Health: Medicaid Innovation Workshop

Wednesday, October 30: This forum from McKinsey & Company’s Medicaid practice and Center for US Health System Reform, includes a series of timely sessions with leaders in policy, government, and public healthcare administration on critical topics to become Medicaid Agencies of the Future. Agencies will need to support growing and diverse Medicaid beneficiaries, keep pace with innovation within and outside of healthcare, be financially sustainable, and build the right capabilities to drive and sustain this change.

Our sessions will cover:

  • Making it easier – alleviating journey pain points for the most vulnerable
    • Meet the state agencies and their vendor partners transforming key interaction points to improve experience along the patient journey, from applying to Medicaid coverage to accessing care.
  • Staying on track – transforming Medicaid enterprise systems
    • Explore key learnings from one successful Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) transformation and critical strategies for comprehensive and successful outcomes.
  • Letting the numbers speak – putting data and analytics into practice
    • Hear from leaders across state HHS agencies about how they used data and analytics to better connect Medicaid beneficiaries with other social services programs, to reduce coverage gaps for recently incarcerated individuals, and to dramatically transform their own organizational cultures.