Acacia Parks
Chief Scientist
Happify Health
As Chief Scientist, Dr. Acacia Parks leads Happify Labs, the scientific testing and validation unit for Happify Health. Happify Labs continually conducts new studies with leading research institutions to test the effectiveness of interventions including person-activity fit, process and biological mechanism. As Happify Health pursues FDA approval, Acacia and her team will also be responsible for working with researchers to study the effectiveness of the Happify Health platform in addressing the needs of individuals with specific disease conditions.
Acacia received her B.A. in Psychology from Reed College and her Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania, where her graduate research helped build the foundation for research on bringing happiness interventions to the general public. She regularly publishes articles in scientific journals, has edited 3 books and is also Associate Editor at the Journal of Positive Psychology. Prior to joining Happify Health full-time, Acacia was an Associate Professor of Psychology at Hiram College.