Dan Elling
Lincoln Policy Group
In this senior role, Dan advised current Ranking Member Kevin Brady, Chairman Dave Camp, and Ranking Member Jim McCrery. A highly respected legislative veteran with more than 10 years of experience on Capitol Hill, Dan served as the Staff Director of the House Ways and Means Health Subcommittee for nearly five years. As staff director, Dan was responsible for negotiating numerous multibillion-dollar health care legislative packages, coordinating the committee’s health care agenda and messaging, and engaging House and Senate leadership and authorizing committees.
Dan also served as the lead Republican Medicare staffer on the Joint Committee on Deficit Reduction and supported Congressman Camp on the Bowles-Simpson Commission. In 2009, Dan led the creation and development of the House Republican’s comprehensive health reform legislation that was the only reform package estimated to reduce premiums across the board by the Congressional Budget Office.
Prior to becoming staff director, Dan was responsible for Medicare Advantage, Medicare Part D, and Medicare post-acute care policy for Chairman Bill Thomas. He also served as Health Policy Aide to Health Subcommittee Chairman Nancy Johnson and Legislative Assistant to Congressman Jim Ramstad.
Now a Principal at Lincoln Policy Group, Dan advises and represents health care providers, payors, and manufacturers before Congress on their legislative, regulatory, payment, and coverage issues, especially those being impacted by Medicare and the Affordable Care Act.
Dan holds a B.A. in political science and history from Gustavus Adolphus College and an M.A. in political management from the George Washington University.