WEGO Health Awards

Celebrating Patient Leaders

Each year, the WEGO Health Awards program aims to shed light on the advocacy work of patients influencers across all condition areas, platforms, and continents.

This year, the eighth cycle of the program, proved to be the biggest celebration yet. With over 6,000 nominations and 130,0000 endorsements, we were able to recognize more patient influencers than ever before.

With so many nominations this year, the competition was fierce, but after 3 rounds of judging, and the help network members and the Finalist Judging Panel, the WEGO Health Award winners were revealed.

Winners are invited to an in-person WEGO Health Awards ceremony at HLTH in Las Vegas to be recognized for their advocacy impact. As leaders in the community, their voices will be featured on patient panels, roundtables and more during the industry’s biggest conference.

Join the WEGO Health Awards celebration Monday, October 28th, at 7:30 pm.


Presenting the 2019 WEGO Health Awards Winners…

Alexa Chronster, Fight Like A Warrior

Best in Show: Community

Asa Maass

Best in Show: Facebook

Patient Leader Hero

Dana Kelsey

Advocating for Another

Daniel Jones, The Aspie World

Best in Show: Youtube

Emily Garnett

Rookie of the Year

John Poehler, The Bipolar Battle

Best in Show: Twitter

Kelly Cervantes

Best in Show: Blog

Lauren Freedman, Uninvisible Pod

Best in Show: Podcast

Melissa Talwar

Healthcare Collaborator: Patient

Natasha Tracy

Best Kept Secret

Taylor Barone

Best in Show: IG

Tom Kindlon

Lifetime achievement

WEGO Health Awards


Join WEGO Health at the Patient Leaders Luncheon – learn more here!