Benjamin Miller
Chief Strategy Officer
Well Being Trust
Dr. Benjamin F. Miller, PsyD is the Chief Strategy Officer for Well Being Trust, a national foundation committed to advancing the mental, social and spiritual health of the nation. He helps oversee the foundation’s portfolio ensuring alignment across grantees, overall strategy and direction, and connection of the work to advance policy. The end goal is to help advance the national movement around mental health and well-being. Prior to joining Well Being Trust, Dr. Miller spent 8 years as an Associate Professor in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Colorado School of Medicine where he was the founding Director of Eugene S. Farley, Jr. Health Policy Center. The Farley Center was created in 2014 to be a leader in conducting policy studies, relevant to health and health care challenges, disseminating evidence to those positioned to use it in their decision-making issues related to health policy for the University, and to be a leader locally and nationally on a variety of topic areas. Under Dr. Miller’s leadership, the Farley Health Policy Center worked on four main areas: behavioral health integration, payment reform, workforce, and community-based prevention. He remains a Senior Advisor to the Farley Center. Miller is currently an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences in the Stanford School of Medicine
Dr. Miller has been a principal investigator on several federal grants, foundation grants, and state contracts related to comprehensive primary care and mental health, behavioral health, and substance use integration. He led the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s Academy for Integrating Behavioral and Primary Care project as well as the lead investigator on the Sustaining Healthcare Across Integrated Primary Care Efforts (SHAPE) project. In addition, he was the lead author on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Culture of Whole Health report, which provided specific direction to advance mental health nationally.
He received his doctorate in clinical psychology from Spalding University in Louisville, Kentucky. He completed his predoctoral internship at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, where he trained in primary care psychology. In addition, Miller worked as a postdoctoral fellow in primary care psychology at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health.
Dr. Miller has written and published extensively on enhancing the evidentiary support for integrated models, increasing the training and education of behavioral health providers in medical settings, and the need to address specific health policy and payment barriers for successful integration. He was the section editor for Health and Policy for Families, Systems and Health and a current member of editorial board for the journal as well as a member of the International Advisory Board of the British Journal of General Practice. Dr. Miller has been a technical expert panelist for CMS on Quality Measure Development for Medicaid Beneficiaries with: Substance Use Disorders; Complex Needs and High Costs; and Physical/Mental Health Integration Needs as well as for the Medicaid Innovation Accelerator Program on integration. Miller is a past President of the Collaborative Family Healthcare Association, a national not-for-profit organization pushing for patient-centered integrated health care, a faculty for the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, and currently a Board Member for Mental Health Colorado. He has received numerous awards for his work on mental health and integration. A highly sought out public speaker, Dr. Miller has presented around the world on the need to better integrate mental health with health care.
Dr. Miller’s research interests include models of integrating mental health and substance use, primary care practice redesign, using practice-based research networks to advance whole person health care, financing health care, and health policy. He has been featured in numerous media outlets including NBC News, USA Today, NPR, PBS News Hour, and many more. Outside of his job, Dr. Miller enjoys playing music, mountain biking, rock climbing, and painting. He and his family live in Denver, Colorado.